Recent Buglaries

Once again the summer burglars are prowling Edmond.  You may have seen in the news that Old Towne has had a rash of burglars trying to get into unlocked cars.   They reported that the gangs of kids are arriving and checking cars between 12Am and 4AM.  The same style of burglaries happened in Brookhaven each of the last two summers.   Lock your cars and bring your valuables into the house.

Also beware of leaving your garage door open.   Thieves are cruising the neighborhoods in pickups and moving vans watching for open garage doors.  They can have your golf clubs, 4-wheeler or other valuables loaded up and gone in minutes.   The garage may also give them entry into your house.

I walk in the late evening and have stopped by several neighbors to warn them their garage door had been left up.  Take a minute and watch out for your neighbor.

In other news, the annual meeting was postponed and we didn’t get any news out.  We will get it scheduled for fall when it is cooler.
